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Afficionado Coffee Roasters

Nicaragua La Huicoya



Flavor Profile: Toffee, peanut, earthy

Origin: Dipilto, Nueva Segovia

Process: Washed, dried on patios

Elevation: 1,335 Meters

Varietal: Caturra

Recommended Brew Method: Hario V60


    Nicaragua La Huicoya


    Merling Preza carries coffee in her blood. She has worked with small scale producers in the Dipilto region for many years, advocating for their rights within Nicaragua and internationally.  Merling is also a champion of women's rights in Nicaragua, creating education programs for producers and their families. With dedication and hard work, Merling's coop has produced a fantastic caturra coffee that is environmentally and economically sustainable for her community in Dipilto. 

    La Huicoya Farm is a model for recovery in the region. Fruit and evergreen trees provide adequate shade for the coffee plants, part of the reforestation of the habitat. Since the acquisition of the farm, Merling has planted more than 500 trees. Organic, sustainable practices are a priority for the farmers and their community.